Convert 3GPP2 to WMV - 3GPP2 to WMV Converter

How to convert 3GPP2 to WMV? Converting 3GPP2 to WMV is quite easy with OJOsoft Total Video Converter. It can act as the nicest 3GPP2 to WMV converter to change 3GPP2 to WMV. You can free download the nice 3GPP2 to WMV encoder for converting 3GPP2 to WMV.

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How to convert 3GPP2 to WMV

3GPP2 to WMV conversion can be done in few minutes. Do as follows and start converting 3GPP2 to WMV in order to heartily play movies on your player.

3GPP2 to WMV encoder - change  3GPP2 to WMV

  • TO WMV is choosen in the 3GPP2 to WMV converter interface
  • Choose WMV folder with the help of bottom Browse button
  • Edit button is to edit info for WMV profile
  • Load 3GPP2 video into 3GPP2 to WMV encoder via upper Browse
  • After clicking Convert, the 3GPP2 to WMV conversion begins

Converting 3GPP2 to WMV - further items

3GPP2 format

The 3GPP2 format is a collaboration between telecommunications associations to make a globally applicable third generation (3G) mobile phone system specification within the scope of the ITU's IMT-2000 project.

3GPP2 format is the standard body behind the competing 3G standard CDMA2000 that is the 3G upgrade to CDMA networks used mostly in North America and South Korea (and to some extent also in Japan and China and India). It was designed for CDMA-based Phones and may have the filename extension .3g2.

3GPP2 to WMV conversion - nicest software

OJOsoft HD Video Converter can let you convert HD file and video files, including converting 3GPP2 to WMV.

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Convert 3GPP2 to WMV - other links

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